Friday, October 5, 2012

We wear orange...

Our little town is doing a PINK OUT weekend event for breast cancer awareness. The kids were able to purchase PINK OUT shirts and wear them to school today, instead of their uniforms.  Of course, we support breast cancer research. It is a cause that is close to my heart, for several reasons.

Most people know that B was recently diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. I wanted the kids to know that Dad may be different some days and that is OK.  I wanted them to know that he is taking daily injections to help, not walk in the room one night and experience it and have no clue what is going on. I want my kids to be informed and to know how valuable both our health and our time together is.

H was having a hard time this morning understanding why you couldn't just have a support day, instead of just breast cancer.

I said, "well....what do you want to support and why?" Her response was, "The most important one to me is MS. I wish I could wear orange every day, BUT since I can', I decided to wear a pink sock-for breast cancer and an orange sock, for Daddy."

Good lookin' out kid. I am not happy that my husband has MS. I am not happy about the effect it can play on his body, I am not happy that I have to watch him painfully take an injection every night. I am not happy to see my kids worry about him....BUT everything happens for a reason and I firmly believe that we are ALL learning from this.

I hope to make the kids shirts for the upcoming MS walk that we will be honored to  be a part of, that say...

I wear ORANGE for my Daddy, so that some day it will be just another crayon color!
So, to conclude this little note, I am beaming with pride in our ORANGE family. I am happy that we have a diagnosis, and so quickly. I am SO proud of my husband for being so brave. I am so proud of my kids for being so compassionate and wanting to know more.

B has MS, but it does not have him....nor does it have our family.