Thursday, April 3, 2014

The road less traveled

I have struggled with the choice of whether or not to HS for a couple of years now. I prayed constantly for B and I to just see what we were supposed to do, because all I wanted was the best for our kids. It had nothing to do with anything else...I only wanted the best for our kids. Seeing everyone post about how beaten up their children are over STAAR, and reading numerous posts about opting out that lead to huge debates...I realize that my kids have spent the week being carefree. This week has not been about preparing, pushing, or struggling. It has been about going to the library to see what we can find about the Renaissance to study because they WANT to learn. It has been about finding books for my kid that "will never read well enough" and her gleaming over the fact that she read a 300 page book, by herself. Our mornings are not spent rushing to our stop, they are spent outside on the porch, eating their breakfast, running around the yard, using their imaginations and building relationships with their sisters that will last a lifetime. Our days, every day are about finding who and where they want to be and what makes them happy. Of course, they do math and several other things, whether or not they like it, but they genuinely have a say in their education and they have grown from just learners to interested thinkers. I am not saying I deserve credit for that, but I am saying that I know now, with all of my heart that we made the right decision for us. Don't get me wrong- I am not knocking public school (testing a little, but def. not PS)  I don't think homeschooling  is for everyone, but I am so grateful that it is for us!

Ironically, Halie was reading a book and part she read today  was talking about how her teacher transforms from their usual sweet teacher, to a "maximum security prison guard." She came to me and said, "Mom...I am so glad I don't have the stress from STAAR anymore."

I often find myself thanking God for giving us the ability and the strength to make a decision to go against the grain and follow the road less traveled.

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