Friday, July 24, 2015

In the moment

Tonight's post will be short and sweet, because I have been without my husband all week and I am utterly exhausted (here's to time away to realize what a helpful husband you have.)

Tonight's challenge post is "something I do every day." I could list several things that I am grateful for that I get to do every day, breathing, waking up to the sunshine pouring in my windows, waking up next to the man that I love, praying diligently over my precious family, seeing God's grace in countless situations through the day, and soooo many more things. But the one thing that I do every day, that I appreciate the most in this season of my life is having the opportunity to tuck my girls in and kiss them good night. I know it seems like such a simple task, or...some nights it can seem like a daunting one when you're ready to fall into bed after a rough day, but I know these nights won't last forever. One day, one day very soon, our girls won't want me to tuck them in, and kiss them good night. So, for now, I am going to savor each little bedtime moment that I am so thankful that I have the opportunity to embrace with them. I will give "just one more ugga mugga" and many nights I may snuggle with them for a while. When I am gone and all they have are memories with me, I want them to remember me being patient in the fragile little moments, like when they are burdened with the pre-teen stress from their day as they lay down their heads, or when they were 4 and scared of the dark. I want them to look back and remember the gentle caress of their hair when all the rest of the world seemed rough. I will never be a superhero, but I pray that I can be exactly what they need, in these moments.

Night, loves. <3

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Beauty in the mundane

As a stay at home, homeschooling Mom, I often take for granted the things that are right in front of me; the biggest being my girls. I have 3 amazing daughters. They are 12, 10 and 4. They are every ray of sunshine in my mornings and every twinkling star in my night. Being with them 24-7, I often catch myself focusing on the countdown to bedtime, or the (rare) date night or Mom's night out. I know that to keep myself healthy I need time away from my kids, but I also know that without them, I wouldn't be who I am.

I am making it my goal this week to focus more on the beauty in the mundane. The bubble baths with Brenny, Ha asking me to braid her hair, or the long lasting hugs (every hour) from E.

 I have family that lives in a beautiful place, surrounded by stunning mountain views. When we went to visit them not long ago, I asked my sweet cousin if you ever stop noticing the magnificence that surrounds you. She told me yes, you do. You get busy and pass the same mountain several times a day. After a while it all starts blending in to the background, but then, God sends a awe inspiring sunset, or a rainbow, or just extraordinary clouds and you look harder and are reminded of all of the glory in what has been around you the entire time.

These beautiful girls are something I see every day. I am human, and that means that there will be moments, hours, days that are not my finest. There are many days that I let the beauty slip through the cracks under the door and all I see is the in and out, the back and forth, the bickering, but in reality, these tiny moments- the ones that may not seem to hold much value or priority in the moment, they are the moments that make up the most grand picture that is my life. I am so thankful for my girls. I am thankful for the big moments and little.  I want focus more on actually seeing them, and all of their splendor, instead of letting them slip into background beauty. The greatest masterpieces are the most captivating and these girl are just that. They hold so much beauty, so much love and laughter in their little hearts. There will be days that I fail, but as their Mom I am making it my goal, every day, to focus on their beauty and let the walls be background, not them. <3

My biggest feat

Most people who know me know that I struggle with anxiety. It has kept me paralyzed by fear and missing out on so many special moments in the last several years of my life. It is not something I am quiet about. I think more people should talk about mental disorders, and I firmly believe that anxiety is right up there with depression. It can absolutely wreck your life, if you let it.

In my struggle with anxiety I have learned a lot about myself; some things that I never wanted to know, and others that I am happy to have found. The biggest thing I have learned is that it is dyer that we know what makes us tick, where our happy place is and what restores our soul. For me, nature is like a tall drink of water. On my worst days, a walk alone, listening to the rain on my window, or even just 5 minutes sitting on my porch, basking in the sweet sunshine and the sound of the birds does wonders for restoring my spirit.

Taking time to breathe some fresh air and truly be observant of my surrounds, I always have the most gentle reminder that MY God made this. HE did all of this simply by speaking it into existence. He gave breath to the trees and a song to the birds, and there is no doubt that He can help me overcome my anxiety. Nature is my go to friend and my steady reminder that with Him, all things are possible and that is something that I am eternally grateful for. 

This place called home